Triphaladi Soap

Quick Overview

Triphaladi Soap

Nourishes the skin


Special Price 70


  • Weight  : 75g

Triphala (the three fruits) is an Ayurvedic, polyherbal preparation comprising three ingredients. The ingredients are all fruits, and they’re all native to India: bibhitaki, amalaki, and haritaki. Each fruit is thought to positively impact the body’s three doshas.

In Ayurvedic medicine, doshas are elemental forces believed to permeate body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda is a centuries-old Indian medicinal system. Triphala has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. An Ayurvedic medicine, doshas are elemental forces believed to permeate body, mind, and spirit. Triphala has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It’s thought to support bowel health and aid digestion. As an antioxidant, it’s also thought to detoxify the body and support the immune system.

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Triphaladi Soap, Skin Care, Hair Care, Personal Care Product, Beauty Soap, Handmade Soap, Natural Soap, Glycerine Soap,skin Whitening Soap,soap For Preventing Acne

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